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Posts Tagged ‘Marketing and Advertising

I think we all know how that phrase ends, but with social media, it is not what you think. Recently, my VP product management had a training session with my sales team regarding social media and the dangers out there. It really didn’t hit me until he explains how criminals can obtain our personal information, with just a few key strokes. Through social media sites, we enter a lot of personal information when we register, and many of those personal information are responses to many of our security questions for our online accounts. Questions that ask you what city you are born, what high school you went to, what is your mother’s maiden name, what is your maiden name, etc. are dangerous questions. Criminals could extract these information from your Facebook and other social media accounts and put together personalized scams to get you to send money, steal your identity and more. Read the rest of this entry »

According to the study, the New New Inbox: How Email and Social Media Changed our Lives by Pierre Khawarnd, employees estimate they spend about 4 hours a day managing multiple mailboxes. Besides our personal and corporate emails, survey shows employees spends a lot of time on social media sites. If you are one of those people who loves social media and want to curb your social media time online, there is a tool for you. Rescuetime offers a time management tool that allows you to dictate the amount of time you want to spend on social media sites. Once you have exceeded that allotted time, a warning window will show up and block your access to those sites. They target 3 types of customers: consumers, businesses and families with 3 plan levels. Read the rest of this entry »

Did you know small businesses are doubling social media adoption from 12% to 24% in the last year and 61% of small business use social media for identifying and attracting new customers (University of Maryland, SBSI index)? With these statistics, small businesses just cannot ignore or postpone social media adoption, especially when your competitors might have social media strategies in place already.

There are lots resources out in the web that gives very good guidance on how to integrate social media into your marketing plan, especially for small business. Read the rest of this entry »

Email Marketing has been around for a long time and for a long time. In the past, it costs a lot of money to implement, maintain and run. Now, many email marketing sites have emerged and this tool has become affordable for the masses. Depending on what you want to achieve,  to send simple emails, newsletters and promotions to your personal or business networks. Read the rest of this entry »

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